Veneers from Aauric are the perfect choice for enhancing the look of your furniture. They are made from thin layers of real wood and provide a more sustainable option than other methods. Veneers from Aauric have a solid look that will give your furniture a unique and elegant appearance.
- Premium Quality
- Thicker Veneer
- Stunning Patterns
- Moisture-Proof
- Great Finish
- Finish of your Choice
We offer premium quality veneer to give you an aesthetic and luxurious look. Our finest quality veneers are perfectly processed and precisely cut to fit into your furniture. The result is a uniform look and feels that adds beauty to your furniture.
We offer an assortment of different colours and designs to complement any home décor. Our veneers offer luxurious touches without compromising on quality or durability. Our carefully crafted sheets are designed to give any piece of furniture an unbeatable luxurious feel. Available in various colours and designs, these veneer sheets add a richer, textured depth while also remaining durable and long-lasting.