outdoor furniture

How to choose materials for your outdoor furniture​

How to choose materials for your outdoor furniture

It is not just our interiors that play the main role in the construction of any building, the exterior designs and furniture also contribute to how well the building looks. When you choose outdoor furniture you need to carefully choose the materials as this can influence the furniture’s durability, aesthetics and functionality. There are various things you need to consider before you choose these materials, like how much sun exposure the furniture will have, how often it will be exposed to rain or moisture, the traffic in the outdoors and so on. The outdoor furniture should match the aesthetics of the outdoor design. You can choose materials of various types to bring the rustic look, the natural look or even the modern look. Materials used outdoors will require more maintenance compared to home interior materials.

Most times outdoors are designed for relaxation time, bonding with family and friends, having your own garden space and having a good refreshing walk. The outdoors are designed based on each specific need. In this blog, we will be talking about the different types of furniture that are commonly used for your outdoors, materials that are suitable for the outdoors and how you can take care of these materials.

Outdoor furniture that is commonly used

We all have a balcony or a garden space, an open or closed terrace space, a beautiful entrance and so on. But most times you might be left wondering how these spaces can be utilized effectively.

Patios: A beautiful evening calls for quality time spent on the patio. Depending on the size of the patio you can choose your outdoor furniture. Some of the common types of furniture that you can use for your outdoors are dining sets that consist of tables and chairs. You can even use lounge furniture like sofas and coffee tables to relax with your friends and family. If you have a big patio where you have constant gatherings, then you can opt for longer tables and different seating arrangements that can hold a large number of people. Adding hammocks and swings can be a great idea.

outdoor furniture

Gardens: There are various types of gardens that people like to maintain based on their likes and dislikes. Having a flower garden will serve as an amazing aesthetic for small tea parties and relaxing time. You can use a set of tables and chairs that will bring out the aesthetics of the whole garden area. The garden furniture must be compatible with your garden size. You can also use furniture like stools and stair tables to arrange your potted plants. Bistro sets are an ideal option for solitary moments while enjoying your coffee amidst the blossoms and foliage. 

Balconies: You can enjoy a larger view of your surroundings from your balcony. There are various outdoor furniture that you can use to get a comfy balcony. Adding benches or chairs will help you have a better relaxed time where you can sit and read a book or do your office work. Adding storage benches is space-saving and functional. Balconies can be decorated with lights and plants that complement the furniture that you use on your balconies.

Entrance:This is one spot that everyone is going to first notice so it is important to use the right outdoor furniture for your entrances. Entryway benches can give a beautiful touch to the aesthetics and also be functional where people can sit and talk. Most times scattered shoes can ruin the aesthetics and also give out a bad impression, to avoid this you can use a custom-made shoe rack that will keep your shoes neatly arranged and at the same time blend in with the aesthetics of your home interiors. The floor of the entrance should match the aesthetics of your home interior materials. You can even add floor mats or floor rugs that will give you a homely look.

Having a piece of good furniture for the entrance is not just for houses but also for offices and hotels. Having a grand entrance for offices and hotels can make the clients feel more comfortable and connected with the office. Having a good lounge sofa and coffee tables can help the clients feel comfortable while waiting. This can have a book and magazine stand to help the clients keep themselves busy.

Terrace: The terrace is the biggest space in the house that we all tend to leave empty. You can utilize this space for various purposes in various ways. You can use good flooring for your terrace that will bring out elegance when you step into the terrace. A terrace is a good place to invite a large group of people, like a family gathering or a small birthday party. Having long benches and comfy chairs will not just enhance the aesthetics of the terrace but also be functional. You can convert it into a private space where it can be used as a reading space or working space or even a relaxation spot. This can be done by adding sofas and coffee tables and also by adding a few games that you can play with your family. These are best for a covered terrace. If you like to have an open terrace you can add more plants and small tables and chairs for your morning coffees and teas. And above all, the terrace is the best space for a sky gaze. Be it fluffy clouds passing by or the stars in the sky, you can use big carpets or leaning chairs and sofas to gaze into the sky.

Materials that can be used for outdoor furniture

Walls: To decorate the walls outdoors it is best to use materials that can be easily maintained and also that will not easily get damaged in the harsh weather changes over time. Mud wall panels are easy to maintain and also avoid these damages. Tile-based wall panels are also a good option for your outdoors.

Patios and Gardens: If the tables and chairs are made of wood then it is better to choose plywood and veneers that are waterproof. Laminates that are used in these outdoor furniture should also be able to resist water and water damage..

Balconies: You can choose balcony furniture based on how open or closed your balconies are. The chances of the furniture drenching in rainwater might be less but that does not mean it will not be exposed to water or moisture. Having cane-weaved materials is a good option for your balcony furniture. The sunlight can be blocked with screens. This will not just stop the sunlight from damaging the outdoor furniture but also allow you to have a good relaxed time on your balcony.
Front porch and entrances: Similar to balconies the outdoor furniture that you use for the front porch and entrances should also be carefully selected based on how much environmental damage it will take. Veneers will have a natural and elegant look to your entrances but it is important to buy veneers that are waterproof.

Front porch and entrances: Similar to balconies the outdoor furniture that you use for the front porch and entrances should also be carefully selected based on how much environmental damage it will take. Veneers will have a natural and elegant look to your entrances but it is important to buy veneers that are waterproof.

Tips to take care of your furniture

Outdoor furniture has its own pros and cons. Compared to indoor furniture, furniture placed outside will require more care and attention as it is more exposed to changing environments. The materials can easily get damaged due to constant sunlight or harsh sunlight, rain and moisture content and so on. .

Regular cleaning:It is important to frequently clean this furniture as it is in the open for a longer period of time. Dust starts accumulating faster compared to home interior materials. Most times these materials just require wipes with a wet or dry cloth, but if the furniture is surrounded by muddy areas like a garden it might require proper cleaning.

Avoid cleaning with harsh chemicals: Most of this furniture will start getting brittle due to the constant exposure to the environment, and if strong chemicals are used while cleaning it can affect the materials more causing them to be damaged more. If there are stains or mud it is better to use a gentle cleaner. You will get cleaners that are specifically used for furniture outside.

Protective covers:If the outdoor furniture is not used frequently it is better to keep it covered as this will protect it from harsh outdoor weather. This will also avoid constant dust accumulation. There are custom-made covers for some furniture which can be used easily to protect your exterior furniture.

Waterproof materials: As these exterior furniture are more prone to get soaked in rain water or the everyday morning dew they can easily get damaged and might also start decaying fast. If the outdoor furniture is of steel then it can easily get rusted over time. To avoid this it is advised to choose materials that are made of waterproof materials. There is wood furniture that is made specifically for high moisture areas. These materials can be used in garden furniture or in balcony furniture.

Inspecting damages: Regularly inspecting outdoor furniture will help you prevent major damages such as rotting or rusting. You must closely look for loose joints, decaying spots or growth of algae and fungus, sunlight damage, the fading of the color and so on. This will help you keep your furniture for a longer period of time and also when to replace it with new furniture.

Easy maintenance materials:Use materials that can be easily maintained and that do not require constant maintenance. Wall highlighters that are used outdoors can be made of materials that can be easily cleaned like mud wall panels. Simple outdoor furniture that can be easily cleaned with simple cleaners can be preferred.
